Classes - Fall 2024
  • CSCI 430 - Software Engineering
  • CSCI 431w - Usability Engineering
  • CSCI 490 - Capstone
Recent Courses Taught
  • CINS 110 - Introduction to Web Programming
  • CSCI 111 - Programming & Algorithms I
  • CSCI 385 - Introduction to Data Science
  • CSCI 430 - Software Engineering
  • CSCI 431w - Usability Engineering
  • CSCI/CINS 490 - Capstone
  • CSCI 499/485 - Special Problems (Advanced Data Science)
  • CSCI 499 - Special Problems (Software Engineering)
  • CSED 510 - Technology for Computer Science Education
  • CSED 511 - Computing in Society
  • CSCI 630 - Software Engineering (graduate)
  • CSCI 630 - Software Design & Maintenance
  • CSCI 699 - Master's Project Supervision