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#### Review: What is unit testing? ---------- * Automated check of the functionality of the smallest "unit" of code * Documents expected behavior of the unit * Sooner we discover bugs, the better * Test a function implementation immediately * Regression tests
#### Review: Example Unit Test ---------- * Given a function `place_piece` * receives **row** and **column** integer coordinates (each 0-2, inclusive) * update the Tic-Tac-Toe board (3x3) of the current player's mark (`X` or `O`) if the space is not yet occupied and return the character of the piece placed * if there's already a piece there, return **'@'** * or if the coordinates are invalid, return **'?'**.
#### Review: Example Unit Test ---------- Example unit test assertions, comparing **actual** and **expected** values: `ASSERT_EQ( board.place_piece(0,0), 'X');` Or `ASSERT_EQ( board.place_piece(-1,2), '?');`
#### Conventional Testing Metrics ---------- * **Coverage** - After all tests are run, what % of production code has been run? * Benefit: can identify code that has not been tested * Limitation of coverage?
* **Mutation Testing** - Make "mutant" variants of code, are they "killed" by tests? * **Testing effectiveness** - Percentage of bugs caught by tests? ``` [1|2|3|4] if( row >= 0 && row <= 2 && column >= 0 && column <= 2 ) if( row >= 0 && row <= 2 && column > 0 && column <= 2 ) if( row >= 0 && row <= 2 && column >= 0 ) if( row >= 0 && row <= 2 || column >= 0 && column <= 2 ) ```
#### What about... `ASSERT_EQ( true, false );`
#### What about Positive Affirmation? ---------- * How reliably do tests **positively affirm** functionality consistent with software requirements? * All-Function Pairs testing 1. Classify each student's code (against instructor's tests) as **acceptable** or **buggy** 2. Run each student's tests against each {acceptable, buggy} implementation
* Many do well (but not perfect) with only a few false positives and negatives * Some struggled with either: * **positive affirmation** *or* **test effectiveness** on a given function to test * Either type of inaccuracy is *equally associated* with number of bugs in *their own* code [(Buffardi \& Valdivia, 2019)](http://hdl.handle.net/10125/60199)
#### Measuring Testing Accuracy ---------- * How are **testing effectiveness** and **positive affirmation** related to a lack of bugs? [(Buffardi, Valdivia, \& Rogers, 2019)](https://doi.org/10.1145/3287324.3287351) * **Accuracy** = (True Positives + True Negatives) / (True Positives + True Negatives + False Positives + False Negatives) * **Accuracy** stronger correlation with lack of bugs than either **Test Effectiveness** or **Coverage**
![Effectiveness vs Lack of Bugs, showing weak positive correlation](bug-finding.png) (ρ=.355, p<.0167)
![Coverage vs Lack of Bugs, showing moderate positive correlation](coverage.png) (ρ=.514, p<.001)
![Accuracy vs Lack of Bugs, showing strong positive correlation](accuracy.png) (ρ=.648, p<.001)
##### Practice: does this work? *
Receive a string and return whether or not it is strictly a palindrome, where it is spelled the same backwards and forwards when considering every character in the string, but disregarding case ('x' is same as 'X')
![Example implementation of isPalindrome function](isPalindrome.png)
##### Practice: identify test cases *
Receive a string and returns whether it has both at least one upper-case letter and at least one lower-case letter
`bool Password::has_mixed_case(string pass)` * Hand-write test cases | Input | Expected Output | | ----- | --------------- | | *"AbCd"* | *true* | * Fork and clone: [github.com/kbuffardi/unit-test-practice](https://github.com/kbuffardi/unit-test-practice/)
| A | B | | --- | --- | | ![Version A](regression-a.png) | ![Version B](regression-b.png) |
Answer: [tinyurl.com/unit-test-practice](https://tinyurl.com/unit-test-practice) ![QR code for unit test practice answers](qr-unit-test-practice-form.png)
##### How to Improve My Unit Tests? ---------- * Avoiding "Unit Test Smells" associated with **worse accuracy** [(Buffardi \& Aguirre-Ayala, 2021)](https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3430665.3456328): * Each unit test case should only call one member function (when possible) * Keep unit tests simple without conditional logic (e.g. if's, loops, etc.)
##### How to THINK like a tester? ---------- * Tversky and Kahneman’s [*Nobel Prize in Economics-winning research*](https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/economic-sciences/2002/kahneman/facts/): consumers do not make decisions in their rational best interests because of cognitive biases * [**Cognitive Reflection Test**](https://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/089533005775196732) (CRT) tests the proficiency at inhibiting (fast) *"gut reaction"* in favor of (slower) *deliberate critical thinking*, e.g.: A bat and a ball cost `$1.10` in total. The bat costs `$1.00` more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?
#### CRT vs Code Review ---------- * CRT was a significant predictor of: * Code review **rejecting defective code** (p<0.0001) with the log odds of correctly rejecting the defective code increasing by 2.94 (95% CI 1.56-4.50) * Code review **identifying a defective case** (p<0.001) with the log odds of doing so increasing by 2.37 (95% CI 1.05-3.86). * Replication study: variant of CRT (with no math) and different functions * consistent association with **manual code review** (ρ=0.478, p<0.01)
#### CRT vs Unit Testing ---------- * **BUT** no correlation between CRT and unit test accuracy in either original (ρ=0.008, p=0.940) or replication (ρ=0.113, p=0.498) studies [(Buffardi 2023)](https://doi.org/10.1109/ICSE-SEET58685.2023.00006) * *Why do you think cognitive reflection is associated with manually reviewing code, but not unit test accuracy?*
#### Thinking Like a Tester ----------
This presentation is accessible at [learnbyfailure.com/thinking-accuracy/](https://learnbyfailure.com/thinking-accuracy/) and its source is available on [GitHub](https://github.com/kbuffardi/thinking-accuracy/).
Special thanks to student co-authors: [Pedro Valdivia](https://www.linkedin.com/in/pedro-valdivia1/), [Destiny Rogers](https://www.linkedin.com/in/destiny-rogers/), and [Juan Aguirre-Ayala](https://www.linkedin.com/in/jaguirre-ayala/) who were all undergraduate researchers at Chico State.
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